Thursday, August 31, 2006

Greatest play in the history of Baseball

Do you know the greatest play in baseball history?
You can watch the video here.

Monday, August 7, 2006

A Builder of Bridges

A Builder of Bridges
And Weaver of Dreams

You're a builder of bridges,
You're a weaver of dreams,
And the story that you tell
Is much more than it seems.

It has a beginning,
But may never end;
At its center is loving,
Such has never been penned.

It's fabric is woven
Of the things that you feel,
And the things that you know
To be even more real.

All that makes you a builder
Is now woven in me;
When I look in a mirror
You are all that I see.

And now as I tell stories
Of the things that I've seen,
I'm a builder of bridges,
And I'm weaving a dream.

Copyright May 22, 1995 by Carla J. Lambert

Sunday, August 6, 2006

The First Christmas

The First Christmas
Why should God become a man?

The spirit of giving,
Is part of the living
And breathing fabric of God.
A miracle of love
Come to us from above,
And upon the earth He trod.

He was born as a man;
Part of God's awesome plan
To show us just how to live.

To love one another
As sister and brother,
Growing and learning to give.

In His birth was our hope,
With our sins He would cope,
And make us all feel brand new.

When He died on the cross
It was not to our loss;
He paid the debt that was due.

Let us never forget
That He knew of our debt;
That long ago Christmas morn.

He knew we couldn't pay
So He gave us a way
To be free -- and He was born.

Copyright December 15, 1994 by Carla J. Lambert

Saturday, August 5, 2006

I Will Love You

I Will Love You
A message from above.

I will love you when you're sick,
And when you're in despair.
I will love through thin and thick,
And I'll always be there.

There is nothing you can do
To change the love I feel.
I will love you through and through,
That fact is very real.

All the love you have inside
Can never out-do Me.
I have sought you far and wide
From where you've tried to flee.

Come to Me just as you are,
And I will take your hand.
I am never very far,
Together we will stand.

I will take the love you give
And spread it far and wide;
For I want all men to live,
And for them all I died.

Copyright November 25, 1994 by Carla J. Lambert

The Spaghetti Incident

The Spaghetti Incident
A humorous reflection

I was hot and sweaty
And smelled of spaghetti,
And none had come to my aid.

So many for dinner,
It must be a winner;
So on and on I stayed.

"We'll extend our welcome
And say to them, y'all come;
Our place will hold quite a mob."

I should have known better
And now I will get her
Who talked me into this job.

I'll smile as I mention
The mess in the kitchen
And tell her that its HER chore!

And when dinner is done
I'll go out for some fun
And smile as I close the door!

Copyright October 22, 1994 by Carla J. Lambert

Friday, August 4, 2006

Holy Spirit

Holy Spirit
A prayer

Oh precious Holy Spirit, come and abide with me.
Let me sense Your presence as You start to set me free.
Free me, Spirit, from the sins that do so keep me bound;
Fill me up, be my friend, and keep me whole and sound.

Make me something that my Lord can find pleasure in;
Nevermore to wander, lost in the ways of sin.
Cleanse my every motive, and let my heart be pure,
For I desire to know Him, of that I am sure.

Oh, to know my precious Lord, and gaze upon His face.
And to feel within my heart the wonders of His grace.
Thank you, Holy Spirit, for making me Your home.
Keep me safe within Your arms, that I may never roam.

Copyright April 27, 1994 by Carla J. Lambert

Thursday, August 3, 2006

Line 'em Up

Line 'em Up
A humorous musing about the rigors of child-raising.

Two little pea squeeks, sitting in a row,
One says, "let's," the other says, "go!"
And go they do, from morning 'til night;
They play together with all of their might.
It's: "Mamma, get up," then, "Mamma, sit down;"
And then they both cry at my weary frown.

They won't eat their lunch without a big fight,
But when lunch is over, it's, "Mamma, bite!"
Will they ever stop for a minute's rest?
There's little doubt, they're my greatest test.

Just when I think I've had all I can take,
I receive some news that just takes the cake -
A new little pea squeek, baby makes three;
Just as rough and tumble as she can be.
She loves to follow the others around,
And oh, with three of them, mischief abounds.

So what came next, have I got you guessin'?
Did you really think I'd learned my lesson?
I really must stop - no more shall I grow,
than four little pea squeeks, sitting in a row.

It's hectic and challenging, all day long,
And if I'm to make it, I must be strong.
Strong in the Lord, and the strength of His might,
Walking in His peace from morning 'till night.

Children are gifts sent to us from above,
Not just a product of mere human love.
Lord, help us teach them to follow Your way -
And as they grow older they will not stray.
Lord, may they love You, wherever they go,
My four precious pea squeeks, all in a row.

Copyright 1996, Carla J. Lambert

Wednesday, August 2, 2006

The Garden of the Lord

The Garden of The Lord
A prayer

Lord, let me be a fruitful garden, pleasing unto you.
Let my fruit be of Your Spirit, watered by Your dew.

Let love be there to draw all people closer to Your Son.
Let joy grow there abundantly in all that's said and done.

The peace that passes understanding must be there as well.
Let patience have its' perfect work, that You may come and dwell.

Let kindness grow in every word that you would have me speak.
Plant goodness also there Lord, that my witness not be weak.

Put faithfulness here also, please, an ever growing crop.
Let gentleness bear fruit here, Lord, and let it never stop.

Let self-control come not from self, only from Your Spirit.
So that all who see this garden, Lord, will know You're near it.

Copyright 1997, Carla J. Lambert