Sunday, September 3, 2006

A Lot Of Fun For Ten Cents

I confess. I "gambled" last night.

After I put up ten cents to enter an online tournament run by, the game started with about 2,500 participants from all over the world.

Online hands of cards go much faster than they do with physical cards. Most of the big-risk takers were out after only 30 minutes. I was still in.

I won a few hands and stayed in just over an hour, and ended in 258th place, winning 22 cents, for a gain of 12 cents.

I could have going bowling instead. Except that I'm not sure I could have stood up long enough to finish a game due to my health problems. And except that the only bowling alley I know of allows smoking, and I'm extremely sensitive to smoke. And it would have cost a whole lot more than 10 cents for the shoe rental and the lane. Plus the gasoline and wear-and-tear on my car, and the increase of my carbon-footprint on the environment from its exhaust.

No, I stayed home, warm and comfortable on a cold night. I was surrounded by my family, and I had a whole lot of fun for a measly dime.

You have to pay taxes to pay for prisons, so I ask you: How long do you think I should spend in prison for what some bone-headed people think is a crime?

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